Monday, May 3, 2010

Ideas for theme + name


  1. Hi Guys, I love the index theme mentioned by Deirdre.

    I also had a thought of a theme 'Unleashed'. As we move to availability of full-time work, we're unleashed from commitments to tafe. This allows prospective employers to see our motivation in getting out into the industry!


  2. Loved the 'index' theme as well. Would be interesting to do a structured & geometric type of approach, as Deirdre said.

    Anna K.

  3. I'm liking the EMERGE/3MERGE idea that Deirdre came up with, because we're emerging and new designers that are going to enter the industry.
    The only name that I can come up with at the moment is Fresh/Fr3sh.. we've been studying for 3 years and are new/fresh designers ready to start in the industry. When I come up with other names I'll add them.


  4. i might as well re-post my ideas here, for future seen in the email:

    I was thinking that it might be good to contrast it with last year's rough'n'ready
    style which had its merits but I thought was a bit hard to navigate...

    So in contrast we could do a more structured/cool/geometric type of approach...
    a couple of naming ideas:

    inSight: we could each use quotes from design/art heroes other inspiration sources, who have given you insights
    nice word because it can be read with a double-meaning

    index: this word has double-meanings
    in communication theory it means a sign
    that has a causal connection to what it indicates (eg smoke is an index of fire)
    also it would provide an excuse for alphanumeric organisation and a structured approach
    i guess our show will be an index of design

    MMX: is 2010 in roman numerals, we could go with classic roman display fonts etc, almost museum style

    SE3D: the idea of this is 'seed' and playing with the number 3...however, if we've no 3D work maybe it's unsuitable
    however, we could then have a bit of an organic/growing theme

    EMERGE/3MERGE: emergeing/merging/mixing/growing/being discovered etc, including the number cos it's a 3rd year show

    MASSIV3: more of a name than a theme maybe

    WSYWG: What You See is What You Get : a nerdy term to describe user-friendly software interfaces
    more of a name or a style than a theme
